Sponsorship Opportunities
The University of Maryland’s National Conference for McNair Scholars and Undergraduate
Research is an academic forum that attracts over 400 undergraduate student researchers,
faculty, graduate school recruiters, and businesses from across the
Partnering with the McNair Scholars Program is positioned as a strategic
initiative to enhance business visibility and efforts to strengthen communities through
The Ronald E. McNair Post-baccalaureate Achievement Program is a
Department of Education funded program that serves high academic achievers who are low-
income, first generation students, or students who are traditionally underrepresented in
graduate school. The mission of the McNair Scholars Program is to prepare and assist its
Scholars in matriculating into doctoral programs and earning Ph.D.s
Please find the
available 2024 Sponsorship Opportunities here:
Diamond Level: $10,000 (1 available)
The Diamond level sponsorship offers your business maximum exposure to the talented and
diverse group of McNair Scholars as well as to University administrators, faculty, and
staff. Businesses will enhance their brand and visibility through this sponsorship
Two (2) invitations to Directors only Reception
Naming privileges for the entire conference
Back cover advertisement in Conference Proceedings Book
Conference registration for two (4) attendees
1-day recruitment/advertisement table at grad fair
Business logo and link on Conference website
Business logo on podium and/or banner display during breakfast, lunch, and
dinner (provided by organization)
Sponsorship listing in all electronic Conference communications
Platinum Level: $8,000 (2 available)
Naming privileges for all Conference events on Friday (highest attendance)
Advertisement in all electronic Conference communications
Conference registration for two (2) attendees
1-day recruitment/advertisement table at grad fair
Business logo and link on Conference website
Business logo on podium and/or banner display during breakfast, lunch and dinner
on Friday (provided by organization)
Gold Level: $5,000 (2 available)
Naming privileges for luncheon on Saturday
Conference registration for two (2) attendees
Sponsorship listing in all electronic Conference communications
1-day recruitment/advertisement table at grad fair
Business logo and link on Conference website
Business logo on podium and/or banner display during breakfast, lunch, and
dinner (provided by organization)
Silver Level: $3,000 (3 available)
Naming privileges to Oral Presentation Sessions (Saturday)
1-day recruitment/advertisement table at grad fair
Lunch for (2) attendees
Sponsorship listing in all electronic Conference communications
Business logo and link on Conference website
2024 McNair Scholars Conference powered by:
For inquiries, contact us at McNairScholar@umd.edu or 301-405-4749.