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Summer Transitional Program (STP)

welcome terp sign and students in line

Adjusting to college life on both the academic and personal level can seem overwhelming to many students. AAP students may face many stressors. Successful completion of all Summer Transitional Program components is a requirement for every student entering the University through the Student Support Services/Intensive Educational Development (SSS/IED) Programs.

This six-week program helps students prepare for college life and takes place the summer prior to the Fall semester they are admitted.

testudo statueAcademic adjustment is aided by:

  • Skills enhancement in math, English, college study strategies, and tutoring
  • Participation in a three-credit university core course
  • Enrollment in a one-credit college orientation course
  • Weekly individual and/or group counseling sessions
  • Structured study hall four days per week
  • Career/Major exploration workshops
  • Educational and Cultural Event experiences

Simply stated, STP is a valuable, enriching tool in the preparation, retention, graduation, and success of all AAP students.

Factors Considered in the SSS/IED Admissions Process:

  • SSS/IED Verification Form and Information Sheet (forms are sent to candidates from Office of Undergraduate Admissions)
  • Parent's or Guardian's prior tax year 1040 Tax Form or other official tax document
  • University of Maryland Application for Admission submitted to Office of Undergraduate Admissions, includes:
    Two recommendations (one must be from an English or math instructor),
    High school transcripts (ACT, SAT, GPA, etc.),
    Extra-curricular activities,
    Personal essay
  • Diagnostic Testing (English, math, reading comprehension)
  • Interview (if necessary)


Retention policy:Students enrolled in the SSS/IED Summer Transitional Program (STP) must successfully complete all program requirements to be admitted to the University in the fall semester.


  • Students will attend classes on time daily.
  • Students will be prepared and participate in classes. Attendance will be taken each day.
  • Students will receive out-of-class assignments with clear instructions according to course outline.
  • All instructors will follow the lead of the Component Coordinator and will be accountable to the Component Coordinator.
  • Mobile phones are allowed in class only by permission of instructor.
  • Students will not wear ear-phones while in class.
  • Student will conduct themselves with respect for each other and the instructor in every classroom.
  • Student hats will be allowed only where it is a necessary part of the student's dress. Professional discretion is encouraged; however, this is the classroom instructor's call.
  • Student disruptive behavior will not be tolerated, and should be reported to the Director immediately.
  • Students will submit a complete and neat (typed when appropriate) response for all out-of-class assignments.
  • Students will adhere to the University policy on classroom conduct.
  • Students will adhere to the University Code of Academic Integrity.
  • Students will be responsible for obtaining missed assignments/classwork from peers or by appointment with instructors.

During the STP, each academic component provides the Counseling Component with a mid-semester and final evaluation of each student's performance and progress.

testudo statue FAQs

The tuition charge varies from year to year and is set by the university. The student will be registered for a total of four (4) university credits. There will be an additional charge if the student resides in the residence hall. AAP makes every effort to assist students with the cost of summer. However, we do not guarantee that aid is available, therefore Counselor-Advisors are available to meet with the student to explore other options. AAP has a liaison at the university's Office of Student Financial Aid to assist, as well.

Students and their families should be prepared to pay for the cost of STP, including books, out of pocket if they do not qualify for financial aid assistance. Please note financial aid does not cover the cost of books. As a result, books are normally paid for out of pocket (e.g. credit card, check, cash).

Courses are selected based on the student's intended university major, and any transfer AP credits or other college credits are considered prior to the course selection as well. AAP offers a variety of university classes which makes the process a little easier, in general, for the student.

Students are encouraged to live on campus but are not required to do so. AAP has an assigned residence hall as a courtesy from the university for our students to stay in during STP.

See Department of Resident Life for information about residence halls. Typically, students should come prepared to move into the residence hall during Orientation on Saturday. The room assignments are managed by the Department of Resident Life. Students are given the necessary paperwork to reside on campus during the fall and AAP does not have any influence in this process.

Residence halls are co-ed but the floors are separated by gender. There are two AAP resident assistants (RAs) assigned to supervise the residence hall for the summer. SSS Counselor-Advisors and staff are on-call status for STP on a rotating basis in the event of an emergency. There is no curfew in residence halls.

There is no official meal plan for the summer. However, students are allowed to add money to their Terrapin Express accounts. See Department of Dining Services.

See Department of Transportation for information.

No, a student's performance is evaluated at the end of the program and recommendations are made based on his/her entire performance.

Credits are transferable, though credit transfer policies are ultimately based on the institution that the student is transferring to.

There is a mandatory mid-summer evaluation meeting with your assigned Counselor-Advisor in the event that a student is experiencing academic difficulty, and other options are discussed and explored. All final decisions are made by the Executive Director.

There is usually a 72-hour turn around for decisions from the last day of STP. AAP recommends that students wait until they receive official notification of their acceptance before purchasing textbooks for fall.

Orientation is mandatory for all STP participants and at least one parent/guardian. The fee for orientation cannot be waived. The parent meetings allow the parent to become part of the process of transitioning their student to college.

If a student has possible transfer credits, the student must first request that the high school/college that he/she attended submit an official transcript to the UMD Office of Undergraduate Admissions. In the matter of AP credits, the student must contact College Board to submit scores to the UMD Office of Undergraduate Admissions.

Students should see their assigned Counselor-Advisor with the necessary documentation and the student will be given appropriate guidance for additional assistance as needed.

For summer courses, students should be prepared to buy books for classes shortly before or during STP Orientation. AAP recommends that students wait until they receive official notification of their acceptance before purchasing textbooks for fall.

Students are given a temporary student ID card for the summer. This card does not have a photograph but the ID is valid. Once a student is officially accepted to the university they can turn in their temporary student ID for a photo ID. There is no additional charge for this ID, however the student will incur a charge for a replacement.